Tag Archives: kids refuse to eat

If You’d Asked Me…Child Guest Turns Up Nose at Dinner?

Just for you: a chapter from a book in progress. You can buy a copy of the whole book, right now, in PDF format, or, if you like, as a paperback. See the collected chapters so far, FREE online at If You’d Asked Me… For details, visit our home page or send a request through our Contact form.

25. Was I wrong to not give a five-year-old guest child the food that she wanted?

I had snacks (veggies, cuties, cheese, pretzels) and she refused it. She also refused the pizza because it had veggies. She later told her mom that she hadn’t eaten.

On the other hand…broccoli???

No, you were right to stand your ground. A kid is not going to starve to death in a few hours. If it had been a couple of days . . . maybe. But maybe not: maybe that’s the time to call the mom and say “come get your little darling.”

Though five is a bit young to learn this, she should be made aware that it’s rude to refuse what is offered to you at the dinner table, especially when you’re a guest in someone’s home. The only time this is acceptable is when you are genuinely allergic to something—for example, shellfish allergies can cause anaphylactic shock in some people. But “I’m not eating because I want you to go out and get me a McDonald’s?” Don’t think so, kiddo!